Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Write Good Tender Submissions - Use Evidence

No matter how well you write your method statements in terms of technical capability, you still need to convince the reader that your organisation can really do the job.

The simple way of doing this is to use examples:
  • Anecdotal evidence showing how you solved a problem or achieved the required result
  • Case studies - can be full blown or mini case studies as appropriate
  • Testimonials (ideally attributable) relevant to the point you are making
  • Customer lists can help but they need to be relevant - ideally the same industry
  • Images, charts, tables etc that substantiate your claim (if they are permitted by the tender rules)
These shows the reader that you have done, and so can do, the job!

There is no absolute right or wrong but believability is key to writing good tender submissions... that win contracts!

Any more ideas?

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